Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Random Cooking Question

Hola, readers!

Mrs. Yid and I have been attempting to make more Torah-true cuisine lately, and I have to say... so far, the Tribe's recipes are not faring well. We tried to make Yapchik and the results were not at all favorable. Not only did the steak come out tough (I know, shocking, we only baked it for an hour and a half), the kugel itself was incredibly greasy (which resulted in fun gastric issues later).

I said that the main problem was too much oil (the kugel recipe called for 5 tablespoons, which I cut down to 3 1/2). Mrs. Yid theorized that the issue was that food that's meant for consuming warm on Shabbos needs a lot of oil to stay moist while in an oven or slow cooker.

I still think some of these old recipes can be salvaged, I'm just not sure how. Mrs. Yid is thoroughly unimpressed with the Ashkenazi fare, and said that in her opinion, these foods suffer from "good enough" syndrome-- if you need warm food on Shabbos and can't cook on that day, then kugel might be "good enough." But given that we're not shomer Shabbos and have the ability to cook food when we actually want to eat it, she sees no compelling reason to make-- or at this point, even attempt-- kugel again.

Anyone with any suggestions for how to make a good tasting, not super-greasy kugel? Or is this like asking for a healthy hot dog?

1 comment:

Antigonos said...

Now this is a subject I could write a book about!

First, I suggest you invest in a couple of good cookbooks: The Book of Jewish Food, by Claudia Roden is one. She herself is not Ashkenazi, and the Sephardi half is better than the Ashkenazi as a result, but why cook only Ashkenazi anyway? The other is Spice and Spirit, which was put together by Chabad women. [and, as long as we are on the topic, for Passover you can't beat The Complete Passover Cookbook, by someone named AvRutik, IIRC]

to be continued...