An ongoing list of posts that I and others particularly enjoyed.
- Family History vs. Family Facts
- Making Connections (the Polish cemetery post)
- Cry Baby
- The Value of Roots
- What's Offensive? What's Inclusive?
- Revolutionary Rabbis
- Myth of the Non-Fighting Jew
- Sacrificing Truth for Narrative (Yankel Rosenbaum post)
- Pat Buchanan Can't Count
- Lunkheads Galore
- The Prophets and Me
- Inquiring Minds Inquired
- Remembering The Light
- Something about Apples
- Yelling About Haggadahs
- Jewish Role Models
- Favorite Aggadot
- Semi-Heartfelt
- My Devil's Advocate Made Me Do It
- O'Reilly's San Fran Schizophrenia
- Getting a Pass on Being an Ass
- Not just clueless, stupid too
- God Loves Rednecks
- Ellison-Gate
- WND: Liars AND Whores
- Wertheimer as Broken Record
- Jewish Identity 2.0
- Jewish Identity Redux
- Lazer Helps the Ladies
- Flogging Dead Koreans
- Crystal Balls
- Hey, Pat Boone- Quit Molesting Dead Soldiers
- Chuck Norris is a Witch
- Burning Questions
- Hipster Keffiyahs
- Separated At Birth
- Battle of the Court Jews
- Can't Be American Without a Flag
- Jackass Lake
- Play It Again, Pat
- Sad Christian Gematria
- Don't ignore the dent
- Dennis Will Get You Laid
- Jews aren't Indians, Indians aren't Jews
- No More Ideas
- Teddy-Bear-Gate
- Compromise or Lack Thereof
- Women, Know Your Place
- Au Naturel
- Abir Revealed
- Funny Hats
- Jewish Cremation
- Oldie But Goodie
- Cross-Cultural Exchanges
- Abir Song
- Crown Heights
- Phelps
- Zayde