Wednesday, May 10, 2006

O'Reilly tosses the N-word around... again.

In discussing the media's "mis"-treatment of Tony Snow, O'Reilly made the following comment:

So, you got these smear merchants on the Internet and they operate through some newspaper people and a couple of television people who just parrot what they give them. They're despicable human beings, these smear merchants on the -- on the net. And the press is even worse. It just spits out their propaganda. I mean, these are Nazis. These are Joseph Goebbels people.

As just one of millions of people whose families or extended families were destroyed by Hitler and his goons, I'd like to offer this observation: Bill O'Reilly should be beaten with a stick.

In case anyone's curious, Media Matters has a bunch of stuff on GOP-ers throwing out Nazi references. You know, for the next time O'Shmuckface or Sean McOrangutan tries to dishonestly and hypocritically characterize all lefties as supporting comparisons between Bush and Hitler.


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