Thursday, December 20, 2007

Good to Know

DovBear pointed me over to this absurd comment thread. Apparently some pure Ortho-Jews aren't too keen on the ideas of kosher cheesburgers. DB focused his wrath on someone who complains "why do we have to copy the goyim on everything?", but my personal favorite was the one that said, "if it wasnt created kosher, leave it alone. You managed without it for the past 5,768 years."

First, I'm highly amused by the idea that recipes are apparently created ex nihilo (by God? Or maybe they're intelligently designed?) and are inherently either kosher or not. This despite the fact that there is no single ingredient in a cheeseburger that is inherently non-kosher. Funny.

Second, there's the entertaining suggestion that every authentic Jewish food and/or recipe has been with us for 5,768 years, in other words, per the Jewish view of creation, since the beginning of the universe. Yeah. Especially cholent and kugel, right?

Incidentally, I hope none of these kvetchers stops to think about how many Gentiles have worn shoes, beards, or hats, in however many years humans have been traipsing around. (What religion were the first Cro-Magnons? Are we sure fire is kosher?) To say nothing of eating or breathing. Hey now, we aren't supposed to mimic the Gentiles, guys! Shouldn't we be trying to elevate ourselves beyond our animal natures? Real Holy Jews TM would be spending their spare time learning how to grow gills, like the holiest of all God's creatures, the mighty fish.

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