Saturday, December 23, 2006

Nazi Watch Again

Hey jerks- shut up.

WND- German homeschool advocate says Nazis have returned

You too.

"We are demanding an end to these immigration raids, where they are targeting brown faces. That is major, major racial profiling, and that cannot be tolerated," said Rosa Rosales, president of the League of United Latin American Citizens, at a news conference.

"This unfortunately reminds me of when Hitler began rounding up the Jews for no reason and locking them up," Democratic Party activist Carla Vela said. "Now they're coming for the Latinos, who will they come for next?"

Oh, and speaking of Nazi stuff, look what else I found in a Google search.

A POLICEMAN responsible for teaching other officers how to be racially sensitive has escaped being sacked despite standing by as a Jewish subordinate was subjected to a tirade of Nazi salutes by a colleague wearing a Hitler shirt.
So much for the ravages of PC. I wonder if ol' Lou would support something like this. Freedom of speech and all. "Go wish somebody a happy Heil Hitler."

And as long as we're reviewing the year in stupidity, check this piece out. Bonus points for anyone who finds errors in it (I've already spotted one).

1 comment:

Daniel Greenfield said...

everybody's hitler these days

andy warhol was sorta right... in the future everyone will be considered a nazi for 15 minutes