Saturday, December 02, 2006

Theodicy rears its ugly head

Once more to the Beams, where Rav Lazer provides a wonderful (apocryphal) story about Itzhak Perlman. Lazer commends him for persevering through adversity, and concludes with this nugget:

Its lucky that Itzhak Perlman had polio as a child, otherwise, with his dedication and strength of character, he probably would have been a commander in the IDF Special Forces and the world would have never have had the benefit of his music. So you see, even when Hashem gives someone polio, it's all for the best.

Jesus Fucking Oy Christ.

Lazer, please go jump in a lake. Maybe you can do get some quality time with Nachman down there. And who knows? If you catch pneumonia or some aquatic bacteria, that might be for the best too. Wait, no, I've got it! We'll find out there's polonium in the lake and it causes you to grow gills, and that way you can finally do kiruv work to all the disaffected mermaid Jews! Breslov house of the Marianis Trench! That'll show those Chabadniks what for!

And if your new assignment from Hashem happened to force you to spend the rest of your life underwater, and therefore unable to use a computer, well, that would clearly be for the best as well.

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