Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Actually important news the haredim (and their apologists) should be screaming about

"So you say your husband ran off and wouldn't give you a writ of divorce, keeping you in legal limbo and preventing you from remarrying? Too bad, sweetheart. That's your problem."

That's been the stance of traditional Judaism since the Talmud was codified. The non-Orthodox movements have abolished this practice because, you know, it's kind of backward not to mention sexist and generally abusive. The Orthodox have not. But now, finally, a light from the heavens broke- the illustrious Chief Sephardic Rabbi, the sage Rav Shlomo "I totally wasn't in the house" Amar has decided to do something about it! Amar called a conference to deal with the issues of "chained women". Sure, one little conference might not do anything at once, but the mere fact that it's happening sends a signal, an important signal, that Judaism is willing to deal with its problems, not just sweep it under the rug. That it genuinely cares about the well-being of its wives, sisters and daughters, and doesn't consider them second-class citizens who deserve to be kept behind closed doors. It's a signal, damn it!

Oh. I guess this sends a signal too.

Chief Sephardi Rabbi Shlomo Amar last week canceled the conference on women whose husbands refuse to grant them a divorce (agunot), which was due to take place in Jerusalem on Tuesday, at the order of ultra-Orthodox Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv.

For those keeping score, that's Rabbi "I ban books I can't read because my advisors tell me they're heretical" Eliashiv, also famous for his "cancer is a punishment for sin" and "Indian wigs aren't kosher because of idolatry" rulings.

Incidentally, check out the original preconditions Eliashiv apparently demanded before giving his agreement (which apparently counts for squat) in the first place-

Three months ago, Amar persuaded the Haredi sage Elyashiv to approve the conference. Elyashiv conditioned his consent on banning women from the conference.

After all, what the business do all those un-divorced women have being around all these holy sages? They're probably just their to check out the man meat. Whores.

But what about the all the valid reasons shadowy backdoor intruigers might have for pressuring senile old men into squelching a purely symbolic act of lip service? (Artist's depiction ->)

some hareidi elements felt that the women's groups that pushed for the conference were themselves exerting pressure

That's right, the women who were banned from even attending might still have been able to convince some of the men to take theoretical positions on their behalf! Scandalous. You know what, forget the gays, guys. It's obviously the women who are the real danger to religious Jews. Never mind a mechitza, you should encase them in lead boxes, Kryptonite-style.

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