Sunday, July 08, 2007

Making a Difference

- "abir yehoshua sofer fake." Well at least someone's seen the light (not Lazer though, apparently. Incidentally, how exactly does one "academically study" something that was"just revealed" five years ago?).

Incidentally, speaking of irreproachable luminaries of Jewish wisdom,

- "d'var torah dealing with dishonest people."

Hmm. Almost as if fate was trying to tell us something.


Anonymous said...

Hey, that looks a lot like my search.

"See the light?" Come, now. It doesn't take much to inspire skepticism about Abir -- I just wanted to see if someone had explicitly called it out. By the way, that Wikipedia bit has been there for quite some time, IIRC, back when Lazer first started writing about it.

Oh, and, methinks you're being a little harsh on the boys. Lazer means well, and when taken with the appropriate grain of salt, I suspect he makes for quite an able therapist, marriage counselor, etc, not only within his community but probably beyond. That, and I bet he's killed more people than you.

As for Sofer, so what? Wikipedia is already full of the utmost shite, so why can't he do a little marketing? For all we know, a couple hundred years from now, Jews will have a mystical fighting tradition dating back kabillions of years because he dressed up in Technicolor Dreamcoats and struck badass poses. I would wager that's how these things get started anyway.

Friar Yid (not Shlita) said...

Hi Anon,

No question Lazer's quite the badass, and I'd certainly be (hopefully) more careful about ridiculing him right to his face (though if he was wearing the Breslove yarmulke, I might not be able to resist). It's more a matter of being generally skeptical of so-called mystical healers, and him in particular. I just don't buy that all his mystical teachings are as brilliant as some of his readers would have it (some of his political advice/commentary, on the other hand, can be quite entertaining.)

As for Wikipedia, all my nerd friends have strenuously argued to me more times than I would have liked for how professional it's "supposed" to be, thanks to the continual evolution provided by the edit function- but as Abir and, to a similar degree, anything on Stephen Colbert, demonstrates, it's just not true. It's more sad than infuriating, I suppose, but that probably also depends on my mood.

Incidentally, the Wikipedia page first started gaining steam this past January, mostly written by this guy, who I'd bet shekels to sufganiot was my supper-bitter "ohel torah" commentator.

Anonymous said...

Sigh... just read Lazer's post where he says that families that observe halacha needn't worry about genetic disorders. Guess I'll go eat some crow now.