Monday, February 05, 2007

I hate Spam

But what I really hate is Holocaust spam.

I mean, sure, there was that one time when I got something in my inbox addressed to "Auschwitz K. Palmetto", and that was super-awesome. But guilt-tripping chain letters? Not so much.

Holocaust Remembrance Day - May 2,
Please wait 20 Seconds before you close this e-mail.
This message asks you to do one small act to remember the six million
(6,000,000) Jewish lives that were lost during the Holocaust.
Send this message to everyone you know who is Jewish.
If we reach the goal of reaching six million e-mail names before May 2,
we will fulfill and give back to G-d what He gave to us:
6 million Jews who are alive today who remember those who perished.
Please send this message to as many Jews as you know.
Ask them to also forward it to others.
Thank you.

Yeesh. "Give back to God what he gave to us?" That's just some sick pseudo-theology going on there.

Hey chain letter author- buzz off.

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