Wednesday, August 30, 2006

For a bad time...

Read WorldNetDaily.

There's quite a variety of stupid on the menu today, and I may not get to them all.

First, Joseph Farah and his lackeys reporters are claiming that a new law which supposedly "tosses out sexual moral conduct codes" both persecutes Christians, as well as forces them to "sacrifice their children on the altar" of the pagan queer agenda. Um... what?

We get to hear great arguments like, "Equating sexual preference with the immutable characteristics of age, national origin or race will result in other variable behaviors being added to the list of invariable classes rightfully protected," and "This bill is yet another attempt to prevent citizens with moral and religious principles from expressing their beliefs and educating their children according to those beliefs," and "Today's disastrous action by Schwarzenegger means Christian and other faith-based colleges in California will be forced to promote transsexuality, bisexuality, and homosexuality if they accept students with Cal Grants,"!!

Damn Arnie, all that from one signature? Talk about productive.

These accusations, of course, skirt the issue- a private institution is entitled to teach whatever doctrine it wants, however it is NOT entitled to recieve public funding in order to help it perpetuate an admittedly exclusionary or discriminatory agenda. You don't have to LIKE that, but you don't get to cry religious persecution over it, either. The state does not have the right to legislate sexual morality codes in the first place- if something is criminal, it's criminal. If it's not, it's not. If your private college wants to ban something, go right ahead, but it doesn't mean the government- or the taxpayers- are required to support it with their money. These people are crying foul TWICE- first that they're being called on their homophobic teachings, and second that they're being "penalized" (aka, no longer being subsidized) monetarily. Tough luck. That's the trade-off you get for being a private institution. Suck it up like the Boy Scouts.

Joseph Farah, of course, displaying his usual logic, is all-but advocating seceeding from the Union over this:

The only alternative left for Christians and Jews and people of other faiths in California is quite literally to drop out. That means homeschooling. It means creating new institutions that won't touch any public funding – even when it is as tenuous as one student accepting a state grant. When you submit yourself or your institution to government regulation in California now, you tacitly accept the official state religion of paganism.

...By going to virtually any educational institution in California today you are swearing allegiance to the idea that homosexuality, bisexuality, transsexuality and a growing list of other sexual sins and pathologies are just as good, just as normal, just as acceptable, just as healthy as heterosexuality.

Again, this is bull. First, not denouncing something is not the same as swearing allegiance to it. Second, if you really want to preach against homosexuality, you should do it in church, not in a school. If you ARE teaching religion in school, then it shouldn't be funded by the government in the first place. This is not so hard.

Even worse, you are converting to this religious view. You are rejecting your old religious code – if you had one. You are accepting what might be called "the mark of the Terminator."

Hey Joe, John called. He's suing you for plagiarism.

These are the same people who consider the Boy Scouts of America one of the most subversive organizations in America because of their commitment to the simple non-sectarian principle of monotheism. If you believe in one true God who rules the universe and has established a standard of behavior for all men, these zealots are coming after you.

The war is not over until everyone bows before Baal.

Horse-crap. It's about saying that there are certain standards for recieving government money. Either you work to meet those requirements, or you ACCEPT the consequences, stop bitching about it, and raise some money for your private school. Furthermore, I would think someone as vehemently opposed to government hand-outs as you would welcome this opportunity to keep good and decent Christian institutions from suckling off the government teat.

The issue with the Boy Scouts has nothing to do with subversiveness, and everything to do with discrimination. The Boy Scouts argue that they have the right to exclude people, as they are a private institution. If they want to say they are, that's fine- but they also have to accep the result of that definition. You don't get to have it both ways, and you certainly don't get to cry discrimination over the state telling you it doesn't feel like subsidizing your discrimination.

Hey, what do you know, I was right, we're out of time. More BS with Dennis "list of Muslim criminals" Prager and Burt "hang 'em all and let God sort 'em out"Prelutsky later.


Anagrysis said...

Furthermore, I would think someone as vehemently opposed to government hand-outs as you would welcome this opportunity to keep good and decent Christian institutions from suckling off the government teat.

"Much as I like to ignore the law, I also like to arbitrarily enforce it…"

Daniel Greenfield said...

you're dubiously conflating providing students with scholarship funds as being the same thing as funding a school

all this does is punish students who might otherwise have a chance at a better education in order to enforce a government mandated politically correct dictate

If Arnold had signed a law demanding that all schools teach creationism as science, there'd be the same amount of outrage from liberals

yet neither side seems to grasp that limiting government interference, such as this, actually protects liberties and allows schools to teach instead of illiterate nazi steroid abusing rapist governors who got elected by quoting punchlines from their past movies