Saturday, August 05, 2006

Oh, but it's ok when PETA does it... (Godwin watch 4)

Maybe the rest of us need to take a page from the Satmar's own playbook and beat them down with nunchakus once in a while.

Because this crap is seriously retarded.

The best part comes from Canonist, who notes:
As it happens, many of the Hasidim I’ve spoken to about the ad aren’t all that upset by it. The Holocaust is invoked all the time in so much other advertising in their community, so why not for avoiding the Internet?
AAAAGH! And yet when PETA did this crap, everybody was calling on the ADL to stuff their hands down their throats like they were making oh so tasty foie gras.

The comparisons prompted an angry statement from Abraham Foxman, Anti-Defamation League national director and a Holocaust survivor.

"The effort by PETA to compare the deliberate, systematic murder of millions of Jews to the issue of animal rights is abhorrent," the statement said. "PETA's effort to seek approval for their 'Holocaust on Your Plate' campaign is outrageous, offensive and takes chutzpah to new heights."

But bitching about cell phones, THAT'S just peachy! I can't wait to see the newest Mac vs. PC ad- "Hey, you know what happens when you use a PC? The Holocaust." "Are you saying I'm like Hitler?" "No. Just that if Hitler had the option... he would have picked you over me. You know, you're bulky and gray, I come in different colors... just saying."

Exactly what is the litmus test here? Hey, Jewish leadership- stop giving assholes a pass just because they wear special hats. Remember Friar's First Law: Enabling douchebags makes you one, too. It applies to Iran via Hezbollah, to the Vatican via the Nazis, and if you're not careful, to you guys, too.

Hat-tip: Failed Messiah.

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