Sunday, March 19, 2006

Settler violence: finally, a kippa sruga who gets it.

Dr. Yisrael Medad, a community leader and longtime settler activist from Shiloh, writes about how settlers aren't going to get any pity from their Lesser Israel, Green-Line counterparts for stuff like Amona as long as their image as lawless, violent, racist cowboys in the "Wild West Bank" persists. He also has the integrity to point out what some of the settler advocates just don't seem to get- you can't only be mad about violence when you're on the receiving end. That means a little less Kahane, and a little more Ghandi. Sorry, Rav Levinger.
...the understanding that we need marshals, that we have to be as non-violent in appearance as possible (like sitting down with no rocks to throw anywhere, etc.) is lacking...I have tried to give seminars and workshops (I appeared as an expert on non-violent civil activism at the sedition trial of Feiglin and Sackett) but have been rebuffed and basically ignored.

But maybe things will improve.
Dr. Medad and I have little in common, and I care little for his various causes (such as blowing up the Dome of the Rock to stop Oslo). But I wholeheartedly support him on this. Bravo, Doc.

(Edit upon re-reading: That is, assuming the emphasis here is actually on promoting the principle of non-violent protest, not just appearing to do so. But surely that wouldn't be what he meant, right?)

If the settlers, and the Palestinians, for that matter, would calm down, put down their respective rocks, molotovs and Uzis, and attempt some reasonable conversation like actual human beings, who knows? Maybe we'd finally get somewhere. (Or not. But it'd be nice.)

Also: Israeli politics fun continues. Last month, Shas had ads that said if you voted for them, you went to Heaven.

Now we get to hear the flip side.

Rabbi: Vote Shas or go to hell

Well, at least they're consistent. (Also check out Tommy Lapid's comeback. Good old Tommy, he's still got it!)

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